Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Heart Bagel Sundays

This has become my Sunday morning ritual.  Whether I'm in the city or at home - bagels.  But when I'm at home it looks a little like this: Wake up, move around a little, drink some wake me up lemon water..and then throw on some form of socially acceptable outfit (but only mildly acceptable) and skitter across the street to my coffee shop for some coffee and tasty goods.  I enjoy them at my sunlit table with some magazines.  I know, a little counter intuitive to be reading stories of adventurers in Outside and Backpackers magazine while I nosh on my bagel and peanut butter.  Let's just say I now have the fuel and the dreams to plan a super awesome trek across the wilderness.  
Ode to Bagels
For those of you who have not had a bagel in New York, I am sorry you will not find much my "Ode to Bagels" very inspiring.  But one day I hope you all can bite into a crispy, toasty, soft on the inside New York Bagel.  My favorite bagel is a whole wheat everything bagel with hummus.  I am a bit strange - normal New Yorkers get their cream cheese "sch-mere".  But I am not the biggest fan of dairy and, trust me, you REALLY have to like dairy when you get a bagel in New York because they don't hold back.  Normally you are left with bagel consumed and about a half a cup of leftover cream cheese.  Two weekends ago I was in the city and ran across a bagel shop that didn't have hummus.  GASP!  So, I adventured to the Tofu Lox - which is actually not as strange as getting hummus on your bagel interestingly..  It was not too bad, a little salty, but I would go back to the tofu spread again, maybe in different flavors.  
Sadly my coffee shop across the street is no bagel shop - they are prepackaged (rather than fresh) bagels and limited in selection (today I had to settle for plain everything bagel because they had no wheat or pumpernickel).  And, the only spread they have other than cream cheese is butter or peanut butter.  
But I still love it :)  

I have thought about moving as of late.  To a more convenient, cheaper and more "happening" place.  Namely Stamford is my first consideration.  But I can tell you that the one thing that is keeping me from doing this is the fact that I have such a lovely coffee shop across the street.  Sunday rituals are the best.  

In other news.  Life has been full of beer - and no I'm not becoming an alcoholic..I'm consuming beer information more than actual beer.  But despite my busy work schedule I am really liking working in the world of beer in my new role.  It's an exciting time in the industry and for our company.  But none of that is interesting..all I really wanted was a reason to post this picture:   
Cheers :)

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